Intelligent Fitness, Movement Therapy, & Myofascial Bodywork
*please note that some features of this site such as the schedule and payment buttons will not work until the site gets fully integrated to the new scheduling system Fitli . Please call for assistance.

Inner Foundations- A Body Refinery is located in what we affectionately call the Reel Factory. An homage to the buildings' owner Goldberg Brothers, and their history in the movie industry. You will see that influence throughout the beautiful building's decor in a nod to Hollywood's Golden Age. In addition to being home to Inner Foundations and the Body Foundations Studio, and Goldberg Brothers, the building also houses two large suites, smaller Executive Suites, 52eighty Distilling, and The Reel Event Center available for your special occasions. This buidling looks small from the outside, but houses many wonderful businesses. Tenants include acupunture, chiropractic, physical therapy, massage, The Colorado Store HQ, insurance brokers, financial advisors, lawyers and much more.