Intelligent Fitness, Movement Therapy, & Myofascial Bodywork
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Inner Foundations is a place to center and tone your entire being from the inside out: an intelligent fitness and gentle movement therapy studio. This includes Pilates, functional movement training and pattern re-education, Myofascial Bodywork, Neuro-Somatic Training, vibration therapy, the OOV, Core Align/and Tweener Bar+, TRX/suspension, Reiki and Metamorphosis Reflexology. I strive to give clients (current ages 16-91) the opportunity to live their best life. That is why a variety of classes are offered at Inner Foundations such as Cardio Pilates to restorative Yoga. In the private sessions, we can focus on bodywork only, or Pilates only, or I can tailor a program just for you with a multi-discipline approach. I assess the situation from the latest research driven tools for neurologically supporting your optimal function. Work smarter not harder. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and comfortable and help you build your body from the INNER FOUNDATIONS outward- to be able to achieve your goals. From energetic balance to your physical balance, we will strive for your best self.